Access Until You Pass Terms

  1. First, have purchased or upgraded to a CAL Review Course on or after August 27, 2024.
  2. Then, become Exam Day Ready (EDR) in the Exam Part prior to taking that NBCE Exam (for example, if you take the NBCE Part I Exam on January 10, you must have achieved EDR on or before January 10 to be eligible for the Pass Guarantee).
  3.  Achieving EDR for a part is defined as completing 80% of the videos in each module, completing 80% of course multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for the quizzes in each module and receiving a score of 80% or higher on those quizzes and completing the Practice Exam.
  4. Finally, provide CAL with a screenshot of your NBCE portal that shows proof that you failed the exam by emailing CAL at [email protected]. Submitted documentation must include: Student Name, Test Score, and Exam Date.
    1. NBCE Exam must be taken 12 months from the date you purchased your CAL Review Course.
    2. Requests for the CAL Pass Guarantee must be submitted no later than thirty (30) days after the date a failed exam score is released.
  5. Once required documentation is submitted and reviewed your video access will renew. Access Until You Pass does not include an additional Practice Exam, however you can purchase stand-alone exams here.

 * Please note our Access Until You Pass Guarantee does not apply to courses received for no charge. *

Example proof of documentation can be found below.