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NBCE Part III Exam Breakdown: What You Need To Know

Currently, there are 2 versions of the NBCE Part III board exam.



This version is composed of three types of test questions: TMCQ, EMCQ and DXI.

  1. 80 questions traditional multiple-choice (TMCQ): for these questions you will be given four...
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How to Study for a Test: 10 Steps To Ace Your Next Chiropractic Board Exam

We promise the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners aren’t out to get you. As unpleasant as taking a big chiropractic licensing exam can often be, it actually does more than just show the NBCE you can take a test: it can show yourself you’re equipped for taking care of real...

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What is the Eisenhower Matrix and How Can Chiro Students Use It?

The Eisenhower Matrix is a visual tool that helps you prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. It divides tasks into four quadrants. Here's a simple breakdown:

  1. Quadrant 1 (Necessity - Urgent and Important):

    Tasks in this quadrant are both urgent and important. They require...

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Mastering Time: Effective Time Management Strategies for Test Preparation

Effective time management is a cornerstone of successful test preparation. It ensures that you cover all necessary material, practice thoroughly, and remain stress-free during the lead-up to your exams. In this article, we'll explore essential time management strategies to help you make the most...

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Creating Personalized Study Timetables for Optimal Test Prep

Effective test preparation requires a well-structured approach, and a personalized study timetable is your key to success. By organizing your study sessions, allocating time to different subjects, and maintaining a balance between learning and breaks, you set yourself up for efficient and...

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The Science of Memory: Strategies for Enhancing Information Retention


Memory is a critical aspect of successful test preparation. The ability to retain and recall information is pivotal for performing well on exams. Fortunately, there are scientifically proven strategies that can significantly enhance your memory and improve your information retention. In...

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Mastering Time Management: Techniques for Effective Test Preparation

Effective time management is crucial for successful test preparation. By organizing your study time efficiently, you can maximize productivity, reduce stress, and ensure comprehensive coverage of the test material. In this article, we will explore valuable time management techniques to help you...

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Conquer Procrastination: Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination During Test Review

Procrastination is a common challenge that many students face during test review. The tendency to delay studying can lead to increased stress, compromised performance, and a lack of thorough preparation. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to help you overcome procrastination...

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Fueling Your Fire: How to Stay Motivated Throughout the Test Review Process

Maintaining motivation during the test review process is crucial for consistent progress and achieving success. However, it's common for motivation to wane as the review process becomes challenging or monotonous. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to help you stay motivated and...

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Test Review Prep on a Tight Schedule: Tips for Busy Students

For busy students juggling multiple responsibilities, finding time for test review prep can be challenging. However, with effective time management and smart strategies, even students with tight schedules can make the most of their study time and perform well on tests. In this article, we will...

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Common Mistakes to Avoid in Test Review Prep

Preparing for a test can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, you can maximize your chances of success. However, it's important to be aware of common mistakes that many students make during their test review prep. In this article, we will discuss some of these common mistakes and...

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Effective Time Management Strategies for Test Preparation

Proper time management is essential when it comes to test preparation. With a well-structured study plan and efficient use of your time, you can maximize productivity, reduce stress, and achieve better results. In this article, we will explore effective time management strategies to help you make...

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